Dear Premier Horgan,
I’m a skilled tradesperson, a taxpayer, a proud British Columbian, and a Canadian citizen.
I work hard at my trade and participate as a productive member of my community and the economy. I take pride in what I build and in the role the construction industry plays in our province. I have the skills and training I need to build whatever the public and private sectors decide to build, and to do it safely to world class standards.
These are my choices, opportunities, and achievements.
It is not acceptable for you to force me to join a union and accept a government Crown Corporation as my employer.
Today’s construction employers offer competitive salaries, benefits, and training, and they prioritize a safe worksite. Unions have a role, and are right for some, but not all.
If I wanted to join a designated union, I would have done that already.
If the Community Benefits Agreement announced by your government on July 16, 2018 moves forward, my industry will do everything in its power to reverse it. I will seek work on non-government projects, and will encourage my employer to do the same.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees my freedoms of equality, expression, and assembly. Please, allow me to choose my employer, and allow us to compete for public sector projects based on our skills and experience.
Send this CBA back to the archives and deliver the political balance and opportunity for all British Columbians that you promised during your campaign.
Concerned Citizen
British Columbia
CC: Your provincial and federal representatives
This campaign is sponsored by: BC Construction Association, CCA, NRCA, SICA, VICA, and VRCA.
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